Journal 4

During this semester, we have taken a journey to expand our critical and creative thinking skills. For this assignment (Journal 4), I analyzed my creative thinking and how I use it in my everyday life. This sparked my interest in using creative thinking to problem solve, and most importantly was the inspiration for the creation of this project (& blog). 

Journal 4:

I believe creativity is original. Each person has a level of creativity all their own. While creating something is simply making something that did not exist before, creativity is a trait that is unique to an individual. Each person has their own influences and experiences that shape what they wish to create. These experiences can put a more clean- cut or artistic spin on a person’s creativity.  
              Recently, I have put my creativity to use by problem solving and through different projects for work and school. I love to paint and have gotten to use my skills to create art projects that are hanging in the office I work in. Art is not the only way to express creativity. I also love to creatively solve problems or use my creative thinking skills to come up with a strategy or solution that is different than a traditional route. I am also very organized. I creatively organize my school work, work for work and my free time things. Keeping my life balanced and organized properly can sometimes be challenging. Using new and different ways to balance everything can sometimes involve some creativity.


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